DLNR Public Listening Sessions on Maui

DLNR Administration Team, including Chairperson William J. Aila, Jr., First Deputy Guy H. Kaulukukui, and Water Deputy Bill M. Tam from Honolulu is visiting Maui to hear community comments, questions, and concerns regarding topics under the Department’s jurisdiction. This meeting is hosted by Senate President Shan S. Tsutsui as part of a series of DLNR Listening Sessions to be conducted statewide.
When Sep 17, 2011
from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Where see below
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Contact Phone (808) 586-7344
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There are 2 sessions on the 17th, one in Lahaina, one in Kahului:

Lahaina Listening Session
10:00am – 12:00pm
Lahaina Intermediate School Cafeteria
871 Lahainaluna Road, Lahaina, Hawai‘i 96761

Kahului Listening Session
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Maui Waena Intermediate School Cafeteria
795 Onehee Street, Kahului, Hawaii 96732

DLNR Administration Team, including Chairperson William J. Aila, Jr., First Deputy Guy H. Kaulukukui, and Water Deputy Bill M. Tam from Honolulu is visiting Maui to hear community comments, questions, and concerns regarding topics under the Department’s jurisdiction.  This meeting is hosted by Senate President Shan S. Tsutsui as part of a series of DLNR Listening Sessions to be conducted statewide.

If you are unable to attend but would like to send your comments, questions, and concerns to the DLNR please e-mail: DLNR2011ListeningSessions@hawaii.gov

Individuals requiring special assistance or accommodations are asked to contact Senate President Tsutsui's Office at (808) 586-7344 at least four days in advance of the meeting.

For more information, visit http://hawaii.gov/dlnr/maui-listening-session

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