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GMO Labeling Rally GMO Labeling Rally
March 24
Whether you love them or hate them, why not label Genetically Modified Organisms? Uncle Walter Ritte, longtime activist from Moloka`i organized an event on February 21st to bring attention to both GMO labeling issues and the fact that none of the bills that would require such labeling will be heard this session. Uncle Walter reminded us all that it is our job to pressure lawmakers to take seriously this issue. Read more about Kukunaokalā's (our intern) experience--he went the day they built the ahu for Hāloa on the lawn as well as the day of the consecration and rally. See you next year at the capitol for this issue!
Save O'ahu Farmlands - Protest and March
February 17
Monk Seals: Critcal habitat, Critical discussion
August 21
» All blog entries on this topic

Functioning Food Systems

KAHEA works with mahi `ai (farmers) and lawai`i (fishers) around Hawai`i, in their fight for water, land, access, research, and resources, and in their efforts to protect and perpetuate their knowledge and traditions.

KAHEA works with mahi `ai (farmers) and lawai`i (fishers) around Hawai`i, in their fight for water, land, access, research, and resources, and in their efforts to protect and perpetuate their knowledge and traditions.

We strive to provide timely legal assistance, understanding of process, access to new technologies for organizing, and fundraising resources—helping these communities meet emerging opportunities, to make their voices heard, and demand meaningful alternatives to “business as usual.”


Mahalo to Town Restaurant, Ka`ala Farms, and Uncle Butch--for the lūau plate pictured above!

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