Surfrider's International Surfing Day Beach Cleanups

Surfrider's International Surfing Day Beach Cleanups
When Jun 19, 2011
from 08:00 AM to 03:00 PM
Where Kanaha Beach Park, Maui - see below for other chapter locations and times
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Honolulu, HI (6/1/10): In celebration of the 7th Annual International Surfing Day (ISD) on June 20th, the Surfrider Foundation’s Hawaii Chapters will host Father’s Day beach cleanups on Oahu, Maui, Kauai & the Big Island on Sun., June 19th. Founded by the Surfrider Foundation and SURFING Magazine, and sponsored by Barefoot Wine, International Surfing Day unites surfers worldwide, and encourages ocean enthusiasts to give back by participating in these family-friendly events.  ISD started in 2005 with only 16 domestic and one international location and has since exploded to more than 200 events in 26 countries in 2010, removing more than 14,000 pounds of trash from our coastlines last year.

In addition to volunteering their time, people can also join or renew their membership to the Surfrider Foundation by participating in a special ISD membership drive.  This year, for $25, new or renewing members will receive a limited edition ISD t-shirt, a subscription to SURFING Magazine and a bar of all-natural surf wax.  Memberships help support Surfrider’s campaigns to protect our coasts by fighting for beach access, clean water, plastic-free oceans and responsible coastal development.

This year, International Surfing Day is proud to announce its newest national sponsor, Barefoot Wine. For more than 20 years, Barefoot Wine has been an active supporter of the Surfrider Foundation through various initiatives, including the Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project. "Barefoot Wine & Bubbly is proud of our relationship with Surfrider's 'Aloha' Chapters," says Brendan Lynch, Barefooter Hawaii. "We are also looking forward to our Beach Rescue events planned for this summer."  Listed below are the times and locations of the five chapter cleanups on Sun., June 19:

Maui Ch:  Kanaha Beach Park, 8am-3pm, with yoga, cleanup and a party afterward.
Oahu Ch.:  Diamond Head, 10am-12pm, with a party at Tiki’s Restaurant afterward from 12-2pm.
Kauai Ch.:  Poipu, Shipwreck Beach, 9am-12pm, with food & prizes from the Hyatt & Poipu Condos.
Hilo Ch.:  Hilo Bayfront, 2pm-4pm, in partnership with Hawaii Wildlife Fund.
Kona Ch.:  Lyman’s, Ali’i Dr., Kona, 10am-12pm.

Maui Ch:  Kanaha Beach Park, 8am-3pm, with yoga, cleanup and a party afterward.Oahu Ch.:  Diamond Head, 10am-12pm, with a party at Tiki’s Restaurant afterward from 12-2pm.Kauai Ch.:  Poipu, Shipwreck Beach, 9am-12pm, with food & prizes from the Hyatt & Poipu Condos.Hilo Ch.:  Hilo Bayfront, 2pm-4pm, in partnership with Hawaii Wildlife Fund.Kona Ch.:  Lyman’s, Ali’i Dr., Kona, 10am-12pm.

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches.  Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 60,000 members and 80 chapters worldwide. For more information on the Surfrider Foundation or its chapters, go to and

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