Half Way To Victory!
Beach access got a real boost today. Hawaii’s Senate Judiciary Committee just passed SB 1088, which will help to improve enforcement of public access rights to the shoreline and inland recreational areas. Yay!
Big Mahalos to everyone who submitted testimony! There is still a chance to help out in this important effort.
The bill is ready to “cross over” to the House of Representatives, where it will go through a similar committee hearing process. Unfortunately, the first committee that will likely hear this bill declined to hear a similar bill in the past.
To ensure that SB 1088 does not suffer the same fate, please take a moment to contact the Committee’s chairperson, Representative Ken Ito either at 808-586-8470 or repito@capitol.hawaii.gov. Just leave a nice message encouraging him to hear the bill and help protect beach access in Hawaii.
We can start collecting testimony now in support of this bill by encouraging friends, family, and all outdoor lovers to visit our nifty virtual testimony table. Watch for action alerts in your inbox next month calling for public testimony in support of this and other bills that protect the public’s right to open and safe beach access. You can sign up with our email action alert network by clicking here.