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Where is the fairness?

Posted by kahea at Apr 07, 2008 05:38 PM |

Words from Uncle Jerry Konanui on Big Island, on the recent attempt to co-opt SB958 by legislators on the Agriculture Committee:

Aloha mai Kakou,

It is with heavy heart and immense pain that I, Jerry Konanui, a kahu from eight generation of caretakers of our Kupuna Halo our kalo, beg for your assistance.

We have struggled against all obstacles in protecting our Kupuna staying the course of Pono. We have kept to all the concepts of my cherished Hawaiian culture. We carry the Hawaii State motto as a way of life ” Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I ka Pono,” the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

We worked within the system been fair and pono. We did what we were asked of us as we felt it is the righteous thing to do. The simple SB958 that we submitted and supported was truly that. There were no hidden agenda, what you read is what you got. We simply asked for more time so that as reasonable people we could all take that time out to work within the system for a just and right solution to our difficult problem, while protecting our Kupuna Haloa.

This amended SB958 gives no protection for our Kupuna Haloa, while we try to come to terms. Instead it contains preempt clauses and other promotional GE items that further silence our questions and takes our rights away. This amended bill is one that all care takers of Haloa can never agree to. This is not a compromise bill–the only winners are those that promote the GMO industry.

Chairman Clift Tsuji and I met afterwards, we shared mana’o. I asked Clift “What is this preempting County stuff doing in our Taro Bill?” He could not explain to me what it was or what it means.

I also asked Chair Tsuji what he meant when he said that GE taro can come in to Hawaii from places outside of Hawaii. Again he could not answer the questions. Chair Tsuji said when the bill comes back from the lawyers, it will be understood.

This inability for Chair Tsuji to explain his modified/amended bill seems to indicate that he just passed a bill through his committee that he really didn’t understand or know what it was about. I ask myself, how is this possible? Where is the fairness that Chairman Tsuji so eloquently spoke of?

All we had asked for was a fair hearing. With about 5,913 (7,000 to date) in support of the Original SB 958 and about 213 in oppose. It seems to me that with those kinds of numbers, the bill would pass, but what an
underhanded thing to do, to change the whole definition of the original bill into a pro-Genetic Engineering bill to put at risk our beloved Kupuna Haloa and to squeeze the life of self-rule out of our County Councils of which Hawaii, Kauai and Maui supported the original SB 958.

The shame is not on the Hawaiian Communities and the Taro growers of Hawaii, who supported the original Bill. Shame on those who have again abused the process and allowed greed to blind the clear thinking for those who were chosen to be the government of the people for the people and not a government for the rich, powerful, and influential.

The system is only as good as the protection it provides for the weakest and needy among us. I beg for all in the big house on the hill to Ku’e and kill this Hewa bill. Do what is right!!!

A humble Lepo Popolo.


Jerry Konanui, he mahi’ai wau.

Spreading the Word

Posted by kahea at Mar 10, 2008 08:34 PM |

Video posted by ViralKauai already has over 800 views by our count. You can support SB958–Learn more and hear the call to action. Send in your testimony, attend the hearing. Spread the word.

“If we get a hearing, then all of you need to come back again to that building. It’s not a one-shot deal. We need to come back again to that building when they vote in the committee!”

WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th, 8:30 am, till about 12:30
(Last committee hearing for this bill, House Agricultural Committee.)

Learn more and submit testimony at:

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