
News, updates, finds, and stories from staff and community members at KAHEA.

News, updates, finds, stories, and tidbits from staff and community members at KAHEA. Got something to share? Email us at:

O'ahu Army Lease talking points

O'ahu Army Lease talking points

Posted by Lauren Muneoka at Jul 09, 2024 11:00 PM |
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In 2021, hundreds of you, our supporters, submitted comments to the Army about what the scope of their EIS should be. We called for a future that prioritizes health, healing, and peace at home and abroad. Unfortunately, though their DEIS is lengthy (1,000+ pages), it does not meaningfully address any of the concerns we previously raised. Here are some points to consider, for either written or spoken testimony

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Posted by Lauren Muneoka at Mar 01, 2015 04:41 PM |
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KAHEA has been a vigilant watchdog of the state's Department of Land and Resources (DLNR). This time, we're calling on you to help this agency get a qualified leader. KAHEA and at least 22 other Hawai`i groups oppose the nomination of Carleton Ching as Director of DLNR.

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GMO Labeling Rally

GMO Labeling Rally

Posted by Lauren Muneoka at Mar 24, 2012 02:47 PM |
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Whether you love them or hate them, why not label Genetically Modified Organisms? Uncle Walter Ritte, longtime activist from Moloka`i organized an event on February 21st to bring attention to both GMO labeling issues and the fact that none of the bills that would require such labeling will be heard this session. Uncle Walter reminded us all that it is our job to pressure lawmakers to take seriously this issue. Read more about Kukunaokalā's (our intern) experience--he went the day they built the ahu for Hāloa on the lawn as well as the day of the consecration and rally. See you next year at the capitol for this issue!

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Save O'ahu Farmlands - Protest and March

Save O'ahu Farmlands - Protest and March

Posted by Lauren Muneoka at Feb 17, 2012 12:35 PM |

This Tuesday, Februrary 21, farmers from across O'ahu will send ten farm tractors on flatbed trucks to circle through the city throughout the lunch hour to protest the loss of farmlands. Two large farms that produce 40% of our locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables are under grave threat of urbanization for the Ho'opili and Koa Ridge projects. Others in Wai'anae and Kahuku-Laie are also in great danger. Farmers know that if these lands are lost, no farm is safe. This "Protest of the Farm Tractors," sponsored by Save O'ahu Farmlands Alliance, is to make the public aware of this crisis. On the following Saturday, February 25, the Save O'ahu Farmlands Rally, March, and Farm Festival will take place at Kaka'ako Waterfront Parks, starting with the Rally at 9:00 a.m., and ending at 2:00 p.m.

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Fed Agencies "Hold Hands" on EJ

Fed Agencies "Hold Hands" on EJ

Posted by at Aug 09, 2011 01:26 PM |

Building on its commitment to ensuring strong protection from environmental and health hazards for all Americans, the Obama Administration today announced Federal agencies have agreed to develop environmental justice strategies to protect the health of people living in communities overburdened by pollution and provide the public with annual progress reports on their efforts.

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A Story of Displacement

A Story of Displacement

Posted by at Jun 15, 2011 02:55 AM |

The current struggle to see these lands remain in agriculture is part of a longer fight between developers and farming communities that has been ongoing for almost 60 years. As farmers tell their stories, we can see a pattern where urbanization displaces farmers and farms.

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Wai'anae Plan at the City Planning Commission

Wai'anae Plan at the City Planning Commission

Posted by Shelley at Mar 10, 2011 02:40 PM |
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Mahalo nui to all those who came out to support a sustainable future for Wai'anae! Couldn't make it? Mai hopohopo (don't worry) there will be another public hearing in April, stay tuned for details!

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