Ka Mole o Nā Pua festival

When Apr 14, 2012
from 12:55 PM to 12:55 PM
Where Leeward Community College
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The image of Ka Mole, the main root of a plant, illustrates the beautiful relationship that

exists between kūpuna and keiki. Kūpuna, our elders and ancestors, provide us with essential
knowledge and values that foster the growth of so many aspects of who we become. As the
main root nurtures the plant, so do our kūpuna impart unto each of us their wisdom to allow us
to flourish.
Inherent in this wisdom is the knowledge that everything is connected, and the idea of separation is an illusion. We rely on our environment for our very existence. Mālama i ka ‘āina, taking care of the land ensures that she will take care of us.  This not only creates an avenue for us
as individuals and communities to be self-sustaining, but offers a legacy to our keiki and future
generations to do the same.

The Ka Mole o Nā Pua Festival embraces this vision of a sustainable future… planting the
seeds of sustainability, rooted in respect for the land and culture in accord with Hawaiian
values. A special emphasis of the festival is geared to Hawai‘i’s keiki. We hope these values will
take “root” in our keiki to insure a sustainable future for our island state.
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