Ku: Stand, Be Transformed - A Series of Three Unique Films #3

"Ingredients Hawai'i" is the third and final movie screening of three and will be shown on May 19th, 2012. Join the students of MA'O, Searider Productions, and Makaha Studios for the Kauhale New Zealand Movie Night! The screenings are an opportunity for the students of Kauhale to fundraise for their upcoming trip to New Zealand.
When May 19, 2012
from 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Where Ma'o Organic Farms - 86-148 Puhawai Road
Contact Name
Contact Phone 808-696-5569
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"Ingredients Hawai'i" is the third and final movie screening of three and will be shown on May 19th, 2012.  Join the students of MA'O, Searider Productions, and Makaha Studios for the Kauhale New Zealand Movie Night! The screenings are an opportunity for the students of Kauhale to fundraise for their upcoming trip to New Zealand.

Where: Ma'o Organic Farms, Lualualei, Wai'anae
Location: 86-148 Puhawai Road, Wai'anae moku
March 24th, April 28th, and May 19th
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Movie starts promptly at 7:00 PM
Makua: $20/film or $50/series `Opio: $10/film of $25/series, Keiki (under 5 free)

INGREDIENTS Hawaii from Super 8 Cowboys on Vimeo.

Aloha Mai Kakou,
We the interns and staff of Kauhale would like to invite you to:

Kauhale New Zealand Movie Night!

- Enclosed is a flier for Ku, stand and be Transformed, a series of movie screenings of: "Come Hell or high Water", "Papa Mau the Way finder," and "Ingredients Hawai`i."

- The dates on the flier will correspond to when the movie will be shown.


We the students of MA'O, Searider Productions, and Makaha Studios form a group known as Kauhale

These movie screenings are an opportunity for us as an organization to try and fundraise for our upcoming New Zealand trip this coming Summer of 2012.

Donation- This is a tax deductable event and upon purchase and payment a receipt will be generate for your donation.

You can support our efforts by purchasing a ticket for one of the screenings mentioned above or buying a packaged deal for all 3 showings.

Here’s what you do:
  • Call our phone line at (808) 696-5569 or email info@maoorganicfarms.org to RSVP for a ticket or package deal.
  • Details- 1 ticket for a movie includes the movie and dinner, but the packaged deal includes all three movies and dinner.
  • Please RSVP as soon as possible as the first showing is coming up soon.

Please feel free to tell your friends about this unique event. The more the merrier!

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If you have a community event or action you'd like to post, you can contact Lauren Muneoka at (877) 585-2432 or lauren@kahea.org.