Ex. No. |
Description |
B-1 |
Statement of Marti Townsend |
B-2 |
General Lease S-1491 |
B-3 |
Sublease: CFHT Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope 3.6m Canada/France/UH 1979 |
B-4 |
Sublease: UKIRT United Kingdom Infrared Telescope 3.8m United Kingdom 1979 |
B-5 |
Sublease: CSO Caltech Submillimeter Observatory 10.4m Caltech/NSF 1987 |
B-6 |
Sublease: JCMT James Clerk Maxwell Telescope 15m UK/Canada/Netherlands 1987 |
B-7 |
Sublease: Keck I W.M. Keck Observatory 10m Caltech/University of California 1992 |
B-8 |
Sublease: VLBA Very Long Baseline Array 25m NRAO/AUI/NSF 1992 |
B-9 |
Sublease: Subaru Telescope 8.3m Japan 1999 |
B-10 |
Sublease: Gemini North Telescope 8.1m USA/UK/Canada/Argentina/Australia/Brazil/Chile 1999 |
B-11 |
Sublease: SMA Submillimeter Array 8x6m Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/Taiwan 2002 |
B-12 |
Letter from Sam Lemmo, OCCL to Richard Chamberlain, CSO, re:hydraulic fuel spill, October 13, 2009 |
B-13 |
Act 132, SLH 2009 (H.B. 1174) |
B-14 |
"Consideration of Cumulative Impacts in EPA Review of NEPA Documents," U.S. EPA, Office of Federal Activities, EPA 315-R-99-002/May 1999. |
B-15 |
Mauna Kea Anaina Hou v. BLNR. Civ. No. 4-1-397 (3rd Cir. Haw. Jan, 19, 2007) |
B-16 |
Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, et al v. BLNR, et al, Civ. No. 09-1-336 (3rd Cir. Haw. Dec. 29, 2009) |
B-17 |
Office of Hawaiian Affairs v. Sean O'Keefe, Civ. No. 02-00227 (Haw. Fed. Dist. Ct., July 15, 2003). |
B-18 |
"Biggest Telescope Has Big Price Tag," West Hawaii Today, June 4, 2011. |
B-19 |
"Legal Fees Spike at UH," Honolulu Star-Advertiser, June 12, 2011. |
B-20 |
Written Statement of J. Kehaulani Kauanui |
B-21 |
J. Kehaulani Kauanui curriculum vitae |
B-22 |
Written Statement of D. Kawika Liu |
B-23 |
D. Kawika Liu curriculum vitae |
B-24 |
Presentation by D. Kawika Liu |
B-25 |
Image: Trash collected at Batch Plant 1 |
B-26 |
Image: Trash collected at Batch Plant 2 |
B-27 |
Image: Trash collected at Batch Plant 3 |
B-28 |
Image: Trash collected at Batch Plant 4 (actual trash collected available upon request) |
B-29 |
Image: Spools of Cable at Batch Plant |
B-30 |
Image: Bulldozer at Batch Plant |
B-31 |
Image: Cinder piles at Batch Plant |
B-32 |
Image: HELCO "pull box" on Mauna Kea |
B-33 |
Board of Land and Natural Resources, Meeting Minutes, February 25, 2011. |