Past Events

Archive of past events.
Dr. Marsha Green in Kihei speaks on acoustic impacts on whales Jan 17, 2011 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM Kihei, Maui at the Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale Sanctuary,
Dr. Marsha Green in Kihei speaks on acoustic impacts on whales at the Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale Sanctuary
Reading by Author Kathleen Dean Moore Jan 15, 2011 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Native Books (Ward Warehouse, Ewa End),
Talk and reading by Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Moral Ground, at Native Books in Honolulu.
Aloha Aina Earth Day Maui Jan 15, 2011 from 08:00 AM to 02:00 PM Baldwin Highschool, Maui,
Aloha Aina Earth Day Maui
Volunteer with AINA In Schools Garden Party - Waikiki Elementary Jan 15, 2011 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM Waikiki Elementary School - see below for other Garden Party Dates,
Volunteer with AINA In Schools Garden Party - Waikiki Elementary
Legislative Briefing on Industrial Wind Power Plant On Lana'i Jan 11, 2011 from 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM Hawai'i State Capital, Room 229,
Legislative information briefing on the Industrial Wind Power Plant on Lana'i
He`eia Ahupua`a Youth Internships Jan 10, 2011 from 01:00 AM to 11:45 PM
Paepae o He`eia and Papahana Kuaola, two He`eia-based organizations, are partnering together to offer a 13 week spring internship. Applications due January 10, 2010.
Huliau Screening at LCC Jan 07, 2011 from 10:15 AM to 01:00 PM Leeward Community College, Rm. GT105,
Huliau (meaning turning point, of time of change) is a 35 minute film that guides viewers on a visually stimulating journey through painted illustrations, animation, underwater photography and unique natural settings. The film combines fact with passion and serves to reconnect viewers with the environment. It revolves around a diverse group of interviewees as they collectively "talk story" about their belief in why our very existence depends on how "in-tune" we are with our environments.
Makua Christmas Vigil Dec 26, 2010 from 03:45 PM to 10:00 PM Makua Gates,
Annual vigil for peace at Makua and in the world.
Mauna Kea Cultural Access from Dec 20, 2010 06:15 PM to Dec 21, 2010 06:15 PM
Come celebrate the solstice on Mauna Kea.
Annual Pau Hana Celebration Dec 08, 2010 from 05:00 PM to 09:00 PM thirtyninehotel 39 Hotel St., Honolulu (Chinatown),
Celebrate 10 years of aloha `āina and grassroots organizing at our annual pau hana celebration on December 8.
Kona - Public Hearing on TMT Proposal on Mauna Kea Dec 03, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM Gateway Center, Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA), 73-4460 Queen Kaahumanu Highway #101, Kailua-Kona,
TMT Corporation is applying for a permit to build a massive telescope, accompanying office building, road, parking lot and proposed gift shop on undeveloped conservation lands on Mauna Kea's summit. Aloha Mauna Kea, and show your support!
Hilo - Public Hearing on TMT Development on Mauna Kea Dec 02, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM Hawaii County Council Room, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo ,
TMT Corporation is applying for a permit to build a massive telescope, accompanying office building, road, parking lot and proposed gift shop on undeveloped conservation lands on Mauna Kea's summit. Public hearings on Dec 2 + 3. Aloha Mauna Kea, and show your support!
DOH Hearing on Kekaha Shirmp Farm Nov 23, 2010 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM Waimea Theater,
Hearing on permit to discharge wastewater effluent from Sunset Capital, Inc shrimp farm operation in Kekaha, Kaua`i.
BLNR to Vote on ATST Development for Haleakala Nov 22, 2010 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM BLNR - Kalanimoku Building 1151 Punchbowl St. , Honolulu,
A 14-story Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) is being proposed for Haleakala's sacred summit. BLNR to make a decision on this project at their meeting in O`ahu on November 22. Make your voice heard!
Legislature Openening Day Jan 21, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM State Capitol Building ,
Opening day at the Hawai`i State Legislature is the 3rd Wednesday of January.
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